Green Roof Dream Actualized

I know, you can’t garden. You want to, you have dreams and ideas, but you are scared. You don’t think you can do it. You have pintrest pages. you have so many saved ideas and pictures, you have bought how-to books and read so many articles. These are the ideas and stories that spark the imagination and light a fire. Let them instead guide you. I never believed I had the time. I doubted myself 100%. I only started growing a garden to please my boss and keep my job. Then I saw the reality, it was easy, I could do it! I grew a head of lettuce for goodness sake, in Utah, without knowing a thing. If I can do you, anyone can!

Gorgeous Green House

Pic courtesy Geoff Nichols Pic courtesy Geoff Nichols

Imagine our cities with birds and butterflies flitting from building to building. Imagine views from tall buildings that include roof tops full of plants, rich with life and colour and the sound of birdsong and insects. This is starting to happening all over the planet. People are seeking alternatives to the alienating and sterile world of concrete, without moving to the countryside.  Roof gardens provide all of this and much, much more!

I have dreamed of creating my own green roof for so long it hardly seems real that it is now in.  This post is about the benefits of green roofs and quite a detailed ‘How To’ guide for those who wish to do the same. Early inspiration came from the Green Roof Pilot Project (GRPP) at eThekwini which is testing various options that provide healthier urban environments.  This project among others has shown that…

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